That photo of you and your daughters is so beautiful. Please tell me you framed it

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Congratulations! Well done! I can’t imagine doing a triathlon, used to be a runner (two hip replacements) and never liked swimming much, especially open water. I call my lap swimming “controlled drowning.” And I’d love to do a book club with you! Your photos are so joy-filled, it’s impossible not to smile along. 😁🤩

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Yes, pretty please with sugar on top, to the book club!!!!

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Congrats on the tri! I would definitely join a book club!

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I'm in for a book club! My in-person friends' book club failed terribly. We never got beyond decorating our book bags. Congratulations on completing the triathlon! You are glowing in that photo, and I would be, too!

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I admire you so much! When I saw you and Christine D’Ercole speak recently it was like my two favorite worlds collided. Awesome job on the tri and good luck on the next one! And I am very interested in a book club.

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Yes to the book club and congratulations on the triathlon!

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Congratulations! I am so happy you're back to doing triathlons because you have such a great bike base which is pretty much where it's at in tri training. "Mediocre white man" made me roar! The LBI tri is very fun but the bike can get crowded-it's an out and back. The run has no shade so I'd pack a hat and sunglasses. I'd love to be part of a book club. I love that photo of you and your daughters!

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Congrats! That’s awesome! 👏🏻 I would love to join a book club. 😊

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

Yes, yes, yes to a book club!

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I would love to be involved in your book club.

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Love the posts! I recently started doing HIIT training so hear ya about the running. Amazing for you to do the tri and then sign up for another - good luck on all your races. Would be interested in a book club.

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Of course I want a book club with you !!!

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Yay! That is exciting and sounds so hard. Running is not for me!

And yes, I would be interested in a book club.

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I'm in for a book club - as long as I don't have to run a 5k.

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Thank you for wondering…I’d love to have a book club with you!

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